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RAPD 2010
VOL 33
N4 Julio - Agosto 2010

N4 July - August 2010
Benítez-Roldán, Méndez-Rufián, Vallejo-Benítez, Domínguez-Adame, Pareja-Mejía, Rodríguez-Téllez, Valladolid-León, Pellicer-Bautista, and Herrerías-Gutiérrez: Adenocarcinoma yeyunal como complicación en paciente con enfermedad celíaca

Datos de la publicación

Adenocarcinoma yeyunal como complicación en paciente con enfermedad celíaca


Celiac disease is associated with an increased risk of intestinal neoplasms. We report a case of jejunal adenocarcinoma in a 47 years old woman diagnosed with celiac disease, who did not follow a proper diet. The patient presented with diarrhea, abdominal pain and iron deficiency anemia. Oral endoscopy showed normal changes, whereas ultrasound and abdominal CT scan showed a thickened intestinal wall, which was not shown by the bowel transit and push enteroscopy. A capsule endoscopy showed a tumor, which was subjected to surgical resection, demonstrating the usefulness of this technique in the detection of neoplasms in celiac disease.