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RAPD 2010
VOL 33
N6 Noviembre - Diciembre 2010

N6 November - December 2010
Núñez-Sousa, Castro-Laria, Jiménez-Sáenz, and Maldonado-Pérez: Enfermedad de Crohn asociada a neutropenia crónica idiopática en paciente que precisa terapia inmunosupresora

Datos de la publicación

Enfermedad de Crohn asociada a neutropenia crónica idiopática en paciente que precisa terapia inmunosupresora


Crohn´s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the digestive tract whose etiology is still unknown but which appears to be triggered by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Diverse patterns with clear connotations related to the need for surgery and to the aggressiveness of the disease such as an obstructive and fistulizing form are distinguished. In these cases, when evolution is torpid, immunosuppressive and/or immunomodulators are used in addition to surgical treatment in order to induce to the remission of the severe refractory CD.

In our case, we present a patient diagnosed with Crohn´s disease with fistulizing obstructive pattern and a torpid evolution as well as with a chronic idiopathic neutropenia limiting treatment with potentially immunosuppressive medicines due to the risk of secondary opportunistic infections.