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RAPD 2011
VOL 34
N2 Marzo - Abril 2011

N2 March - April 2011
Hergueta-Delgado, Mora-Cabezas, Argüelles-Arias, Vallejo-Benitez, and Rivera-Hueto: Mujer de 47 años con proceso linfoproliferativo colónico de larga evolución

Datos de la publicación

Mujer de 47 años con proceso linfoproliferativo colónico de larga evolución


This case describes a 47 year old woman with the following history:

- Agenesis of the right kidney.

- Caesarea.

- Ectopic pregnancy.

- Uterine myoma.

- Anxiety.

- Depression.

- Stopped smoking ten years before.

No other toxic habits.

- Family history of colon adenocarcinoma (mother).

The history of the patient goes back to the year 2000, when she was 37 years old. She complained then of a pathology not related with the one we are dealing.

She was diagnosed dyspepsia, epigastric pain, regurgitation, occasional pyrosis, constipation at times and occasional rectal bleeding. Physical examination, and the examination of organs and systems showed no relevant data.

Gastritis and erosive duodenitis associated with infection by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) could be seen in an upper endoscopy. A colonoscopy showed grade II hemorrhoids, a redundant and angled colon with no alterations in the mucosa up to the cecum. The laboratory tests carried out at that time, the hemogram and the biochemical profile were within normal values.

Treatment for H. pylori was prescribed and its eradication was confirmed by a breath test.

Dyspepsia persisted occasionally and was treated with PPIs and prokinetics.

In September 2006, at the age of 43, she complained again because she was diagnosed by her gynecologist a mild iron deficiency anemia and an apparently inflammation of the lining of sigma seen in a gynecological ultrasound. She showed no gastrointestinal symptoms.