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RAPD 2011
VOL 34
N4 Julio - Agosto 2011

N4 July - August 2011
Santaella-Leiva: Aportación de la manometría de alta resolución en la práctica clínica

Datos de la publicación

Aportación de la manometría de alta resolución en la práctica clínica


In recent years, there has been a breakthrough in the study of esophageal motor disorders because new technologies such as multi-channel impedance monitoring have been created and others such as manometry have undergone major changes. Today, we can make an exhaustive definition of the intraluminal pressure profile, we can record, simultaneously, the two sphincters and the esophageal body and we can carry out an analysis of the data in the form of topographic maps, which has greatly improved our understanding of the esophageal motor function.

Key words: high-resolution manometry, achalasia, gastroesophageal junction, hiatal hernia, esophageal pressure topography.