Fecha de publicación: 30 Abril 2012
A. Reyes-López
Unidad de Gestión Clínica de Aparato Digestivo. H.R.U. Reina Sofía. Córdoba.
Ultrasound is a highly accessible, efficient and safe technique that allows to manage and control the introduction of a needle to an organ or a focal lesion and once inside it and depending on the size and type of needle used, a cylinder may be taken as sample for histological examination or aspirate the contents of it in order to obtain material for cyto-histological study.
With the same technique and with therapeutic purposes we can proceed to drain (simple aspiration or catheter placement) or to introduce different therapeutic substances.
In this study we will limit ourselves to the fine needle aspiration (FNA) and fine needle biopsy (FNB) diagnosis options in digestive diseases, analyzing first general aspects of interventional diagnosis and then the most specific aspects of each of the options.
Key words: Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA); Fine needle biopsy (FNB). Ultrasound-guided percutaneous puncture.
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