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RAPD 2024
VOL 47
N3 Mayo - Junio 2024

N3 May - June 2024
Fernández Calzado, Lombardo Galera, Mesa Quesada, and Alañón Martínez: Meso-ileal ectopic varicose vein with uterine systemic shunt as an uncommon cause of severe lower gastrointestinal bleeding in patient with mild portal hypertension.

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Meso-ileal ectopic varicose vein with uterine systemic shunt as an uncommon cause of severe lower gastrointestinal bleeding in patient with mild portal hypertension.


Ectopic varicose veins of the small intestine are an uncommon cause of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with portal hypertension. We present the case of a 52-year-old female patient with mild portal hypertension and repeat episodes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding because of meso-ileal ectopic varicose vein with systemic uterine shunt secondary to previous pelvic surgery, radiological findings and treatment performed.

Keywords: gastrointestinal hemorrhage, varicose vein, systemic uterine shunt, portal hypertension, computed tomography angiography.