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RAPD 2024
VOL 47
N3 Mayo - Junio 2024

N3 May - June 2024
Plaza Fernández, Rodríguez Mateu, and Diéguez Castillo: A “C” triad: cirrhosis and cholangitis due to Caroli disease.

Datos de la publicación

A “C” triad: cirrhosis and cholangitis due to Caroli disease.


Caroli disease (CD) is a rare congenital pathology of probable autosomal recessive inheritance, it is part of the fibrocystic liver diseases and is included in group V of the Todani classification. It is characterized by saccular or cystic dilations of the intrahepatic bile ducts, sometimes associated with congenital liver fibrosis, and is then called Caroli syndrome (CS). The usual clinical manifestation is recurrent abdominal pain secondary to intrahepatic or vesicular stones, and acute cholangitis crises with the consequent formation of intrahepatic abscesses.

Keywords: Caroli disease, liver cirrhosis, acute cholangitis.