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RAPD 2024
VOL 47
N5 Septiembre - Octubre 2024

N5 Septembre - Octobre 2024
Campos Gonzaga, Aguilar Martínez , and Moreno García: From caustic soda ingestion to feeding jejunostomy

Datos de la publicación

From caustic soda ingestion to feeding jejunostomy


We present the case of a young woman who after ingestion of caustic soda for autolytic purposes presented diffuse stenosis in the middle and lower thirds of the esophagus and extensive and marked stenosis of the body, gastric antrum and duodenal bulb that required a feeding jejunostomy due to total intolerance to solids and liquids.

Given the characteristic endoscopic and radiological findings, as well as its difficult subsequent management, it is a challenging clinical case.

Keywords: caustic ingestion, stricture, jejunostomy.