Sociedad Andaluza
Patología Digestiva
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RAPD 2025
VOL 48
N1 Enero - Febrero 2025

N1 January - February 2025
Parra López , Rubio Enrile, and Bravo Aranda: Upper digestive hemorrhage secondary to arterial malformation in fundus, relating to a case.

Datos de la publicación

Upper digestive hemorrhage secondary to arterial malformation in fundus, relating to a case.


Arteriovenous malformations are a rare cause (5%) of digestive bleeding. They are vascular lesions of generally congenital origin, characterized by the absence of a capillary bed between arteries and veins. They are very rare in the digestive tract, although they can cause bleeding that sometimes compromises the patient's life. The key to diagnosis is to identify the aberrant vessel in order to perform appropriate therapy, with vascular embolization currently being the most successful strategy.

The case of a 47-year-old man is presented, with a previous episode of unstudied upper gastrointestinal bleeding, who came to the emergency room due to hematemesis and melena. Given hemodynamic instability, multiphasic CT angiography was performed in which an anomalous arterial tangle dependent on the left gastric artery and branch of the splenic artery was observed. Embolization of the vessel is performed, which is successful.

Keywords: digestive hemorrhage, arterial malformation, fundus.