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Fecha de recepción: 24 Octubre 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 16 Enero 2023
Fecha de publicación: 05 Marzo 2025
A Plaza Fernández
Torrecárdenas University Hospital. Almería.
M Fernández Carrasco
E Navarro Moreno
Heterotopic mesenteric ossification (HMO) is a rare benign entity, which consists of the formation of an ossifying pseudotumor at the base of the mesentery. It is generally preceded by an injury, trauma or abdominal surgery, and can develop weeks to years later. Histologically, it is characterized by the presence of fibrous septa in the mesentery that trap fat, nerves and vessels, formed by fibroblasts, osteoid tissue and bone, giving rise to very characteristic images as in the case we present.
Keywords: Heterotopic mesenteric ossification, intestinal obstruction, abdominal surgery.
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